D3 in Depth covers versions 6 and 7 of D3

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D3 in Depth aims to bridge the gap between introductory tutorials/books and the official documentation. It's written by Peter Cook who worked as a freelance data visualisation designer/maker before joining Flourish as a senior visualisation developer.

This guide assumes that you're reasonably proficient in HTML, SVG and JavaScript. If not, I recommend reading my book Fundamentals of HTML, SVG, CSS and JavaScript for Data Visualisation.

D3 in Depth was started in 2016 and currently covers versions 6 and 7 of D3. There are some important differences between versions 6, 5, 4 and 3 and I'll mention them as appropriate.

If you're interested in learning how to build a beautiful, custom data visualisation from scratch using D3 I recommend reading D3 Start to Finish. You'll learn about:

  • requesting CSV data using D3
  • D3 data joins (including joining nested data)
  • architecting a data visualisation using a layout function
  • detailed styling using CSS
  • adding a popup using Flourish's popup library
  • state management
  • animations using D3 transitions
  • data manipulation using Lodash
  • adding a menu, legend and footer

and more.

Be sure to visit Create With Data for more articles and tutorials on making data visualisations.

If you've any comments or questions please tweet @d3indepth or email info@d3indepth.com.

I hope you find this guide useful!


D3 Start to Finish book cover

Visualising Data with JavaScript teaches you how to build charts, dashboards and data stories using Chart.js, Leaflet, D3 and React.

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"One of the best D3 books I've read. The contents are very clear, it is easy to follow and the concepts are very solid."

Javier García Fernández

Learn how to make a custom data visualisation using D3.js.

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Learn the fundamentals of HTML, SVG, CSS and JavaScript for building data visualisations on the web.

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